Keynote Elma Durmisevic at University of the Basque Country
Durmisevic speaks on Circular reversible buildings - Performance measurement and design tools at International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Architecture and Urban Planning (EESAP 13). The Architecture School of San Sebastián organizes a two-day academic conference with various international sustainability experts, workshops and poster sessions. In line with the European Union's recovery plan, the focus will be on fostering the improvement of people's quality with models that are greener, more digital, resilient and better adapted to current and future challenges.
We invite all our regulars and those who want to join us in the twelfth edition of our congress to present their proposals. As in the previous editions and given in its academic facet, the congress is especially aimed at students, professionals and researchers.
Since the EESAP8/CICA1 edition, the conference has extended the scope of scientific and technical diffusion to the entire innovative construction sector. Furthermore, it is opened to the business sector, due to their close relationship to meet current social demands on business innovation for achieving higher quality of life.
Once again, the Organizing Committee, a collaboration between CAVIAR Research Group (Spanish abbreviations for Quality of Life in Architecture, UPV/EHU), has opted for innovative and current interest subjects to promote an atmosphere in which professionals, researchers, students and companies will be able to interact and exchange knowledge with the aid of lectures, round-tables, research communications and collaborative innovation workshops (networking). The two congresses will take place during the same days and will share part of the programme and the main lectures. Meanwhile, the research presentations will discuss the specific subjects, while the workshops will promote collaborative projects. The oral presentation sessions will be held in different rooms and the attendees may choose among them.
1. Environmental awareness.
2. Urban regeneration from sustainable architecture and energy efficiency perspectives.
3. Sustainable cities and social urbanism; sustainable urban economy.
4. Economy: built experiences - housing, urbanism, technology - ICT, monitoring... 5. Reduce, Reuse, Recyble, Rethink.
6. Lean architecture and urban planning.
7. Cities at risk. Resilience and Redundancy.
8. Built heritage and sustainability. Culture and urban sustainability. Cultural landscapes 9. Smart Communities.
10. Transition.
11. 4.0 Construction
12. Wood and bio-based materials as a sustainable and renewable resource.
Santi Daniele La Rosa (University of Catania IT)
Elma Durmisevic (GTB LAB/ 4D Architects NL)
Victor Echarri Iribarren (Universidad de Alicante ES)
Belinda López Mesa (Universidad de Zaragoza ES)
Madelyn Marrero Meléndez (Universidad de Sevilla ES)
Pablo Martí Ciriquián (Universidad de Alicante ES)