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Green Design Day #1: Banja Luka BH

Fantastic welcome by the University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture and the Research Centre for Space, Igor Kuvac, on World Design Day, to the first in the series of Green Design Days promoting green design concepts from slow planning and architecture to slow fashion and slow food.

Green Design Day is a continuation of the regular Green Design Biennale in Mostar organized by Elma Durmisevic and was held for the first time in Banja Luka in cooperation with the 5th Scientific and Professional Symposium on Energy Efficiency ENEF. The large open green area of the University of Banja Luka hosted a rich program, which included the panel discussion Landscape of Pollution, the opening of the travelling pop-up exhibition Green Design Biennale presenting Digital Deconstruction, European Laboratory for Green Transformable Building, Green Fashion Show by designer Naida Vilić from Sarajevo and Green Cocktail.

Welcome speeches were given by Prof. Dr. Darija Gajic, Director of ENEF and Prof. Dr. Maja Milić Aleksić, Vice Dean for Scientific Research at AGGF and Elma Durmisevic, Founding Director of GDB/SGDF (initiating Green Design Days), Laboratory for Green Transformable Buildings and 4D Architects Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The panel discussion Landscape of Pollution was chaired by dr. Isidora Karan. Participants and speakers Aleksandra-Anja Dragomirović, Dragan Kabić, Marko Ivanisevicšević, Dr. Senada Demirovic Habibija, Jovana Lekanić.

THE GREEN DESIGN BIENNALE is a dynamic multidisciplinary platform, that brings together designers, architects, urban planners, ICT experts and engineers from all over the world with the aim of promoting new design principles and solutions that pave the way for eliminating the negative impact of modern civilization on the planet's ecological systems. GDB was founded by the President of the Green Design Foundation (SGDF), Dr. Elma Durmisevic, the creator of the Innovation Park for Circular / Regenerative Architecture in Southeast Europe (Green Design Center Mostar) as part of the Biennale, with the aim of strengthening awareness and scientific capacity to support the transition to a circular economy based on the principles of circular design.

Banja Luka is the first Green Design station outside the GDB Mostar where the Green Design Day (GDD) was organized, in cooperation with the Scientific and Professional Symposium ENEF 2023, the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy of the University of Banja Luka and the Research Centre for Space.

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